Cecilia and Little Flowers Help Children in Need

Cecilia and Little Flowers Help Children in Need

What did you do?

I helped my Little Flowers Group assemble Easter Baskets for children in need. All of the girls donated items for the baskets.

After assembling them with the Little Flowers Group, I delivered them to Greenhouse Ministries. I did this because I like helping the poor.

What organization recognized the achievement?

Greenhouse Ministries

How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?

Homeschooling allows me to have time for activities such as Little Flowers.

What are your interests?

My interests are Little Flowers, helping the poor, ballet, and gymnastics.

What are you inspired to do with your life?

I may want to be a ballet teacher.

What are your favorite subjects and why?

Handwriting, Science, and Reading

The photo was taken at Greenhouse Ministries.