Grace Receives Music Scholarship
My road to classical music was tricky.
Originally I pursued musical theatre, but then, by a twist of fate, I was forced to change to a new vocal instructor, who mentioned that my voice seemed naturally suited to classical singing and wondered why I wasn’t pursuing it. I was hesitant, not wanting to spend my life as the fat, horned-helmet lady in an opera.
I started to practice multiple classical pieces and participated in an opera, La Gioconda. I changed my mind! Classical music, which I initially found pointlessly boring and difficult, is so rewarding when given the proper attention.
I especially love the theatrical aspect of opera and honestly, what actor doesn’t want to die on stage? In operas, sopranos die nearly every act!
I consider a life without music unfulfilling and perhaps equivalent to death because of the dreadful boredom. There is a natural desire in every person to express himself, to hear and be heard, to give a part of himself to other people.
Because I love performing, this is an opportune and I believe the intended way for me to live my life. I also appreciate the generosity of being a performer. Art is not just about one’s own satisfaction; it is about an expression to others, as though giving a gift to yourself and the rest of the world.
By being a performer, I can help others understand themselves and me, and subsequently, understand myself.
What did you do:
This May, I was chosen to be the Sussex County Oratorio Society’s 2017 Music Scholarship recipient.
Who recognized the achievement?
The Sussex County Oratorio Society recognized the achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Besides allowing plenty of free time in which to hone my musical abilities, homeschooling has instilled a strong discipline and desire to learn in me.
I dedicated some time every day to my singing and explored music by private lessons and musical performances, both in musical theater and opera.
What are your interests?
My interests include singing (obviously), theater, opera, cooking, dancing, horses, and trying new things.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I feel inspired to become a professional singer, most likely in opera. However, I am also interested in becoming a music educator.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My all-time favorite subject is English, because it exercises my critical and creative thinking, and I enjoy reading.