Kira Wins 8th place in National Competition
On May 5-7, 2017, I traveled to Redding, California to compete for the first time in the NFAA Marked 3D Nationals and Western Classic Trail Shoot.
I was the only Youth to represent my state of Alaska in this 3-day tournament. I shot in the Youth Female Freestyle division and came in 8th in the nation!!
This was a big achievement for me and an honor to get the opportunity to go to Redding and compete.
What organization/entity recognized the achievement?
National Field Archery Association (NFAA) and Straight Arrow Bowhunters hosted the event, and my official scores/ranking for this shoot are recognized by NFAA.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Being able to homeschool allows for more flexibility and freedom in my days so that I can train with my coach more and concentrate on my shooting.
What are your interests?
I love shooting my bow and competing in tournaments. I also enjoy reading.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I want to become a professional archer and compete in the World Cup tournaments. And, I am striving every day to become a saint.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Science is a favorite subject of mine because I enjoy learning chemistry and astronomy.