Out Scoring 584 Gymnasts Julia Wins All-Around Best
What did you do?
I won 1st Place All Around in my division of 20 gymnasts and also achieved the highest All Around score out of 585 gymnasts at the Popstar Invitational Gymnastics Meet.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Popstar Invitational at Farmingdale Gymnastics Academy presented me with medals for each event, a trophy for coming in 1st All Around in my Division, an Amazon echo dot for having the highest All Around score of my Session, and an iPad for having the highest All Around score of the entire meet.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling allows me to have more practice time for strengthening and gymnastics skills.
What are your interests?
Gymnastics, karate, ballet, baking, and American Heritage Girls
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I want to become an elite gymnast and own my own bakery.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I like English because I love to write paragraphs.
The photo was taken at: The Popstar Invitational in Farmingdale, NY