Vincent Graduates from Bergen Community College with Numerous Honors & Awards
A Seton alumnus from the Class of 2013, I graduated from Bergen Community College with an Associates of Arts in World Languages and Cultures on May 21, 2015. Graduating community college at the top 15% and with a GPA of 3.813 marked an important step toward earning a baccalaureate degree with less stress and careful baby steps.
In addition to pursuing my studies, I participated in a variety of extra-curricular activities by joining Model UN, attaining a leadership position as Treasurer of the Honors Association, and being inducted as a member of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), a prestigious Honor Society for two-year colleges.
In addition, I participated in inter-collegiate athletics by joining the Track-and-Field and the Cross Country teams; and worked as a peer tutor helping and tracking students in their academic progress.
On May 18, 2015, I received numerous awards and honors due to my academic achievement such as an award pertaining to my degree in World Languages, a Honors Diploma, a Dual Phi Theta Kappa and Honors Award, a Tutoring Excellence Award, and a PTK Enhanced Member Certificate.
As a student athlete, my academic achievements were also recognized and I have received certificates from the National Junior Collegiate Athletic Association (NJCAA) and the Garden State Athletic Conference. Due to my participation in both the Cross Country and the Track-and-Field teams, I have received two awards: one for multi-sport participation, and one for second-year participation in Track-and-Field.
With the shining recognition at Bergen Community College, I am transferring to Seton Hall University where I will be majoring in Diplomacy/International Relations with Russian and East European Studies and History as minors.
I have final words for Seton Home Study School:
“I thank Seton Home Study School for giving me the academic skills to succeed at the college level. Without their efforts and sacrifices, I would not be receiving all these prestigious honors and awards. Indeed, Seton Home Study School does prepare students for college coursework whether it is a two-year community college or a prestigious four-year university. Thank you Seton Home Study School, and may God bless you.”
The photo was taken at my home after the Commencement exercises.