Hugh and Lauren Win VFW Voice of Democracy Contest
What did you do?
Lauren and Hugh won 1st and 2nd place (respectively) in the local VFW Voice of Democracy audio-essay contest highlighting a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay.
The theme this year 2018-2019 was “Why My Vote Matters.”
Lauren and Hugh each won scholarship money to be applied toward their college education.
What organization recognized the achievement?
VFW Post 7873, Pottsboro, Texas
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Years of rigorous writing programs and curriculum (thank you, Seton!) helped to effectively shape each of our essays.
A third of the overall essay score was based on Grammar & Writing skills.
What are your interests?
Hugh — Civil Air Patrol and working as a lifeguard at the community pool; Lauren – reading and fishing
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Lauren – live my life fully, whatever I happen to be doing
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Hugh – Reading (the subject) because it is enjoyable. When you read a book, it is like being transported to another place.
Also, Geometry because it is a hands-on subject. Finally, Religion is a favorite because you gain a deeper understanding of your faith, and grow stronger in it.
Lauren – Religion, it was very informative and I liked learning about it
The photo was taken at VFW Post 7873, Pottsboro, Texas at the awards ceremony, which honored a number of awards recipients, including Lauren and Hugh.