Joey Called to Teach Others to Serve
Joey was asked last year and again this year by the parish schoolteachers to teach the students how to altar serve properly during the week. The students, from grades 2-7, rotate through and come twice a week during the week to learn. Joey serves every day at Mass.
What organization recognized the achievement?
St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Seton allows Joey the flexibility to serve at daily Mass, making him the most experienced of the children in the parish and looked upon as the example of the ideal and most knowledgeable altar server.
What are your interests?
Joey loves to teach and serve. He has written up an outline of the students to refer back to for future training sessions and to serve at Mass outside of the training time.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Joey desires to fly fighter jets in the Navy or to work for one of the major space agencies (NASA or SpaceX), hoping to go to Mars.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Joey loves science and math.
The photo was taken at St. Mary’s Parish Church (sister church to St John the Baptist in Waunakee, WI).