Phoenix – Basketball Skills Course Winner
What did you do?
I won an award at the Phoenix Footprint Center for being a Skills Course Winner for girls 13-15 years old.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Jr. Suns Basketball League recognized my achievement. I practiced at Pecos Park.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me achieve my goal by giving me enough time to practice basketball whenever I needed the extra practice.
What are your interests?
I’m really invested in basketball, gaming, poetry, and swimming.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I plan to attend a Catholic high school, participate in many school clubs, and get a scholarship at ASU. I plan to become a lawyer or pediatrician. If those don’t work out, I’ll probably look into becoming a professional basketball player or swimmer. Someday I hope to be a mother and have a happy Catholic family. I want to be able to support myself and possibly my future family financially, physically, and spiritually.
My favorite subjects are math and science. It’s easier for me and a fun topic at times.
The photo was taken at Phoenix Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona. That’s my family with me in the center holding the certificate.