Victoria earns a Grand Slam, Near Perfect at Nationals
What did you do?
I had an amazing 2018-2019 dance season. My solo and duet placed in the top ten at all the competitions my dance school attended. I also earned a “Grand Slam’, a near perfect score, on my solo, at Nationals (over 230 teen solos performed).
What organization recognized the achievement?
I attend University Performing Arts Centre in central Florida. Our dance team attends many dance competitions including Star Systems and Hall of Fame.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling allows me to have a flexible schedule to dance and compete.
What are your interests?
I like to assist my teachers at the studio and help young children learn about dance. I am an altar server at my parish. I also enjoy going to theme parks and playing with my two dogs.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I love dancing and see myself always having dance in my life in some way. I also would like to work in healthcare specifically dermatology as a Nurse Practitioner or Physician.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I enjoy science, math, and religion because they help me better understand the world around me.
The photo was taken at Hall of Fame Nationals in Orlando, Florida – June 2019