Thomas took the ACT as a 9th grader and scored 30. Thomas also plays the organ once a month during Sunday Mass. What organization recognized the achievement? ACT How did…Read more
What did you do? I received a Superior rating for playing Currie's "Prelude" and Correll's "Fanfare" from memory on the organ at the Moraine Music Festival. What organization recognized the…Read more
What did you do? MaryKatharine and Rebecca's soccer team, the Richfield Gunners, won the Kettle Moraine Soccer League Tournament. MaryKatharine scored a goal, and Rebecca had an assist. What organization…Read more
What did you do? I performed "Ebenezer: Once to Every Man and Nation" by Robin Dinda and "Angels We Have Heard on High" by Wayne Leupold on the organ in…Read more
What did you do? I played "Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming" on the organ at Mass for the first time. How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal? Homeschooling…Read more
I participated in two separate auditions to earn a scholarship to study organ, and earned $300 in total. What organization recognized the achievement? I received a scholarship for $200 from…Read more