Ann Competes at WV State Women’s Gymnastics Championship
Ann competed in the WV State Women’s Gymnastics Championships in Beckley, WV on March 12-13, 2016. She became the WV State Champion on Floor in level XCEL/Gold. She has been competing in gymnastics since she was five years (she’s now thirteen) at Flip-n-Cheer in Kearneysville, WV.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Ann competed at the WV State Women’s Gymnastics Championships in Beckley, WV on March 12-13, 2016.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling allows me the time to manage school and my gymnastics schedule, which includes 4+ hour practices/4 days a week.
What are your interests?
I love to draw, write, and do gymnastics.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I want to be a teacher for children with special needs someday!
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subject is science.