Luke and Elijah’s Team Wins State Runner-Up
What did you do?
Luke and Elijah’s homeschool football team, the SWLA Knights, won ACEL State Runner-Up
The Knights were the only homeschool football team in the league.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Association of Christian Educators of Louisiana
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling has given the boys the opportunity to practice any time during the day. They can study football plays during their free time.
What are your interests?
Luke loves to read, loves football, especially the LSU Tigers, and basketball. Elijah also loves reading, football, the LA Lakers, and video games.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Luke hopes to someday be a father and play sports with his boys. He will excel at whatever he decides to do later in life because of his dedication.
Elijah plans to become a physical therapist and work with sports.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Luke’s favorite subject is math because it challenges him. Science is also a close favorite.
Elijah’s favorite subject is biology, followed by math.
In the photo are, from left to right: Coach Rhett Martin, Luke Pickle, Elijah Pickle, and Coach Alex Onxley