Mikyla Wins Math Olympiad: Featured on Little Big Shots
What did you do?
I was selected to compete in an International Mental Math Olympiad in Singapore last June 2017.
More than 700 contestants from Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Singapore & Philippines joined the Competition.
I was able to bring home the Gold medal for Elite Online Competition and Silver trophies for Mental Arithmetic and Abacus Arithmetic.
What organization recognized the achievement?
ABSCBN, a local TV network, featured Mikyla in Little Big Shots (Philippines).
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling allowed me flexible time that is why I was able to learn Mental Math. This experience made me more confident in myself.
What are your interests?
Rhythmic Gymnastics, Swimming, Dancing.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
To do the best I can in whatever challenges I encounter in life.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Math and English.