AHG Tenderheart Ellamaria Takes 1st in Pinewood Derby
What did you do?
As an American Heritage Girl Tenderheart, I entered my first Pinewood Derby and won First Place for Tenderhearts as well as first place overall for all the girls entered.
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Scouts including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the American Heritage Girls (AHG) in Tampa Florida.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me by giving me the tools in Art, Math, and Science to plan, organize, and construct my first Pinewood Derby model car to race.
What are your interests?
My biggest interest is becoming an Artist or Scientist. I have also enrolled in an Art class to enhance my artistic growth.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I am only completing the 2nd grade but being an Artist or Scientist are my dreams.
I have also taken piano lessons for the past 3 years and have received a yellow belt in jiu-jitsu, so I will have a number of ways to grow in my future.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Art because it is my passion. Maps because it is fun. Science because it is always new and interesting.
The photo was taken at the Pinewood Derby contest in Tampa Florida