Anna Wins Second Runner-Up in Pre-Teen Pageant
What did you do?
I competed in the Miss Bedford County Fair Pageant. I entered the Pre-Teen Division and won Second Runner-Up.
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Bedford Virginia County Fair and the Virginia Association of Fairs
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling gave me the time flexibility to practice for the pageant and my onstage question.
Homeschooling helped me by teaching me excellent speech skills so I could do well on my onstage question.
Homeschooling also taught me how to help my mom plan our family schedule, so that I could be in the pageant and my sister could be in a play.
What are your interests?
My Interests are sewing, babysitting, trying new things, pageants, reading, jewelry making, and spending time with friends.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
At this time I am inspired to become a wife and mother, however I am open to God’s will for my life.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subject is vocabulary because it helps me to always be well spoken.
The photo was taken at the Miss Bedford County Fair Pageant.