Clara’s Work Recognized by Stars and Stripes Award
Clara earned the Stars and Stripes Award, the highest achievement in American Heritage Girls.
What organization recognized the achievement?
American Heritage Girls recognized the achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Being homeschooled gave me the flexibility to work on the lengthy award process.
What are your interests?
I mainly like arts and crafts but also enjoy cooking, roller-skating, and musical theater.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Right now, I hope to work in the costume department of a local historic village, but I am open to go where God calls me.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subjects are nutrition and religion because they come the easiest to me.
The photo was taken at the award ceremony given by my troop to commemorate my achievement. That’s me in the middle, with my mom and dad on either side of me.