Genevieve Wins First Place In Dog Show With Kolbe
I am in 4-H, and since my family owns a dog, I decided to take the dog project this year.
I attended the dog practice meetings where I taught my dog obedience and learned how to show him.
What did you do:
In August 2016, I showed my dog at the county fair in the dog grooming, showmanship, and obedience classes in the beginner level for my age group.
I won first place for grooming, first place for showmanship, first place for obedience, and I also won the high point award, an award given to the exhibitor with the most points overall.
What organization/entity recognized the achievement?
The 4-H dog judges recognized my achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling is flexible, so it gives me plenty of time to train my dog in the middle of the day.
What are your interests?
My interests include writing, singing, reading, filmmaking, photography, baking, and playing the piano.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I think that when I am an adult, I would like to write fictional books for children.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subjects are English, because I enjoy to write, and Latin and French, because I like learning different languages.