Goalie Pingxin and Teammates Win Big
I play goalie for an inline hockey team in Tainan, Taiwan. In late August, my team competed against nine other teams in a 3-day outdoor tournament in Kaohsiung with temperatures in the mid-30s Celsius (90s Fahrenheit)! This game was my last as a 4th grader as I will be on the 5th-6th Grade team next season, so it was great to win big with all of the teammates I had played with the past two years!
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling allows me to go to hockey practice on weeknights as I don’t need to worry about waking up early the next day to go to school!
What are your interests?
Rollerblading, saints, animals, and interesting facts!
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I feel inspired to start volunteering in my local community to practice what Philippians 2:3-4 says about doing nothing out of selfish ambition but humbly regarding others as more important than myself and looking out for the interests of others.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Science, especially Life Science, because I love animals and can learn interesting facts about them.
History, especially American History, because I moved to Taiwan when I was five years old, so I never really heard anything about it until I started Seton Homeschooling earlier this year.
And Reading, because I love the charming stories in the Seton readers.