Jane Chosen to Open the Show in Her First Recital
What did you do?
I played the violin in my first recital! My sister, Sarah, and I performed a piano and violin duet. The recital was only for piano students, but we were picked to start the program. We performed “Lightly Row” and Minuet One.”
What organization recognized the achievement?
Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, IL
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
I was able to practice my violin every day. My mother is also my violin teacher. Sarah and I would practice as much as twice a day before the recital. All of the practice paid off when I could play without making any mistakes.
What are your interests?
I like to spend time with my sheep and my dog, Bart, on my family’s farm. I also like to hunt, fish, and horseback ride. I especially like to spend time with my family.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I would like to be a mother someday and have a large family. I want to homeschool all of my kids.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I really like Art because I have the opportunity to draw animals. I like to draw wildlife that would be found around my home.
The photo was taken at the Hatheway Cultural Center at Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, IL.