Jonathan Earned His Hunter Safety Orange Card
What did you do?
I completed an online hunter safety course for my state and earned my hunter safety orange card.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Vermont Fish & Wildlife
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me achieve my goal of obtaining my hunter safety orange card because I had to time I needed to complete the online study course.
What are your interests?
My interests are learning about hunting and how it helps our wildlife, Lego’s and Pokémon.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I’m inspired to be the best I can be and help others when and where I can.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subjects are science as I love to learn about different things and I like to do experiments. History, as I like to learn about how things used to be and how some of my ancestors had a big part in shaping the world I live in.
The photo was taken at home since I did the course at home online.