Joseph Rated Superior on Violin at Music Festival
What did you do?
I performed Suzuki’s “Etude” and “Andantino” on my violin for the Moraine Music Festival and received my second Superior rating.
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Moraine Musicians Guild recognized the achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
I started playing violin last year when I was six years old. Homeschooling gives me time to practice every day.
What are your interests?
I enjoy Legos, baseball, skiing, altar serving, and Troops of St. George.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I am inspired to know, love, and serve the Lord in this life and be happy with Him in the next.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I enjoy math, phonics, and English because they are fun.
The photo was taken at home.