Max Chosen for Reading, Proclaims the Word of God
Maximilian has been serving our parish by reading the second reading at mass on certain Sunday Mornings and Saturday afternoons. Reading in front of the parish has been a challenge as it can be a little scary, but being able to help our community makes it worth it for Max.
With his head barely visible above the podium, even with the aid of a stool, Max is learning to become a great orator. He is practicing to speak slowly and clearly, and most of all, to proclaim the word of God in a voice that is confident in the truth.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Father Charles Forget of St. Leo The Great in Brooklin, Ontario was impressed by Max’s reading skills and reverence for our Lord during his First Holy Reconciliation, and asked if Max would be willing to read for our congregation.
Homeschooling has given Max the opportunity to train as a lector during the day, as well as the practicing his reading everyday through the wonderful and often funny readers “This is our Neighborhood” and “This is our Parish”.
Max plays hockey twice every weekend (but never misses Mass), loves to swim and has recently learned to downhill ski.
He is also a member of the Sparrows Choir where he learns to sing sacred music.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Max has been exploring many interests lately. Currently he is exploring the idea of studying endangered species and exotic animals to help them thrive.
Max has been enjoying Science, Math and Reading through Seton as well as a host of extracurricular pursuits which homeschooling has allowed him to follow.
The photo was taken at St. Leo the Great Parish with Father Charles Forget and Max in the front foyer after Saturday evening Mass.