Chris and Nick are Cross Country State Champions
What did you do?
We are members of the Augusta Eagles Junior Boys Cross Country State Champions.
What organization recognized the achievement?
2020 GAPPS Middle school and Junior Championships
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling has allowed us the freedom to pursue our interests and be a part of this great team that promoted virtue through healthy sports.
What are your interests?
Chris: Running, piano, climbing and writing stories.
Nick: Running, piano, Tennis and Math.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Chris: I would like to be a movie producer or novelist.
Nick. I would like to be a storm chaser and an author of comic books. I would also like to be an actor.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Chris: My favorite subject is History because I love reading about and listening to the stories of people from the past.
Nick: My favorite subject is Math because it is so much fun to do!
The photo was taken at 2020 GAPPS Middle school and Junior Championships, Fayetteville, Ga KONOS Academy course. In the photo are three members of The Augusta Eagles; L- R: Nick Besel, Max Stolpe, and Chris Besel.