Rafael Named UK National Piping Champion

Rafael Named UK National Piping Champion

What did you do?

I became the 2024 UK National Champion in Individual Ceremonial Piping at the National Drill and Piping Competition.

What organization recognized the achievement?

UK Royal Marines Cadets and Sea Cadet Corps

How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?

Time to practice. Diligence. Autonomous study.

What are your interests?

Rugby, Taekwondo, Royal Marines Cadets, and guitar.

What are you inspired to do with your life?

Become an engineer with a Formula 1 company.

What are your favorite subjects and why?

I like history, particularly social history because I like to know how other people used to live. Science because I like finding out how things move – the engineering side of science.

The photo was taken at HMS Raleigh, Plymouth, UK.