Seton Siblings Win Medals in Forms and Sparring
Seton siblings Deirdre, Jasper, Conrad, and Sebastian enjoy participating in regional and national karate tournaments together. At their last regional tournament, this spring Deirdre (7th grade) earned a 1st place medal in forms and 3rd in sparring. Jasper (4th grade) earned a 1st place medal in both sparring and forms. Conrad (1st grade) earned a 4th place medal in forms and Sebastian (kindergarten) 4th in sparring.
Deirdre and Jasper also both earned top ratings at their piano festivals this spring which earned them spots to go to the Texas State Music Competition in Texas State University. Both earned the top rating of “Outstanding” on their piano pieces.
In the photo with their karate teacher, Mr. Mike Ashwood are (L – R) Jasper, Sebastian, Conrad, and Deidre.