Trevor Meets NM Senator Shares Best 4-H Memories
February 2, 2020 was “4-H Day at the Roundhouse,” New Mexico’s state legislature.
Trevor traveled 5 hours with his younger brother and other 4-H’ers from our county to our state capitol in Santa Fe to meet our state senators and representatives.
The legislators took time out of their busy schedules during the session to meet with the students and answer questions they had about their positions.
Trevor made a handout for each legislator that described his involvement in 4-H, his best 4-H memories, and why 4-H makes him a better person. Trevor and other students from our county were introduced on the Senate floor during the session as an honored guest of Senator Gay Kernan.
To prepare for this visit, Trevor learned about how national and state government works and how elections and campaigns are conducted. He learned about each of our legislators’ backgrounds and the differences in the term lengths of representatives and senators.
The week before the trip, Trevor even attended a local pre-primary convention and caucus meeting to learn the first steps to getting on each party’s ballot.
Trevor’s past and present 4-H projects include market lambs, pigs, and rabbits, leathercraft, New Mexico foods, and gardening.
Trevor loves to rush into the exhibit hall of our county fair to see how his exhibits were judged and placed. 4-H provides opportunities for leadership development, self-confidence, hands-on learning, and positive peer groups with many other homeschoolers.
We incorporate many of our 4-H projects into our homeschool curriculum, and routine and homeschooling gives us the flexibility to attend a variety of 4-H events without disrupting academic momentum.
The photo was taken at Roundhouse Capitol, Santa Fe, NM.