Sean Hand-Carves Rosary Walk for Eagle Project
For my Eagle Project, I wanted something to benefit the Church and the community so I constructed a Rosary Walk around the rear parking lot of my parish. The project starts with a life sized wooden cross, continues with 6 x 6 wood posts with “Our Father” beads on top, and is connected with over 300 ft. of chain, strung with 55 individually handcrafted wooden beads.
The Mary center was hand carved on a birch slap by a talented member of my parish. The project, which entailed creating, staining, and constructing the rosary (as well as clearing the rocky edge of the parking lot) took over 450 man hours and a year for me to complete. It was finished on Labor Day weekend and blessed by my pastor on October 13, 2013.
The flexibility of homeschooling afforded me the time needed to complete such a time consuming task while maintaining good grades.
Read more on this story: Milford Troop 2 Scout Achieves Eagle Scout Rank
Photo copyright Credit: Bryant Hopkins