Mercedes Makes Top 20 in UK ‘Child Genius 2014’
I was selected as one of only 20 youth in the UK to participate on the nationally televised competition called Child Genius 2014.
What organization/entity recognized the achievement?
The competition was organized by British Mensa, and was taped by Channel 4. They did a documentary on our family’s home school lifestyle and followed me around for several days on my extra curricula activities.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me win one of the 20 places in the competition because I was very comfortable with studying and learning. I am able to learn at my pace, and usually that means I am a bit ahead of other kids my age.
What are your interests?
I love gymnastics! Although I just started to really train about 6 months ago I am learning quickly and am really flexible. I also joined an aerial class taught by circus performers! We get to do tricks in the silks, nets, and trapeze.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Right now we are living in England for a few years and while here I want to learn how to speak French fluently. I’m not sure what I want to study in college or what I want as a career.
What are your favorite subjects?
My easiest subjects are Theology, Math, and Science, but I’m not sure what my favourite would be.