Elena Wins 1st Place in Alaska FITA Archery Cub Female Freestyle Recurve Division
On August 1-2, 2015, I competed in the state outdoor FITA archery tournament in Alaska and I won 1st place in the cub female freestyle recurve division. The Alaska State Archery Association hosted this competition and presented me with the 1st place gold medal.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal:
Because I homeschool, I can practice on my bow whenever I want and I can personalize and enhance my academic studies by incorporating my love for archery into my school subjects.
What are your interests?
I love archery, horses, puppies, and nuns. I also love reading.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I may have a calling to the religious life. I want to be a nun, maybe a Dominican sister. An equestrian would be fun, too!
What are your favorite subjects?
I like Religion, reading, and science.
In this photo, I’m posing with my recurve bow after I won for female cub freestyle limited recurve in the 2015 state outdoor FITA tournament in Wasilla, Alaska.