Erin Wins 4th of July Golf Cart Parade
Erin and her family has been participating in the parade contest for a few years now and has never won an award. So this year after her Irish dance concert her aunt suggested doing an Irish theme for the parade contest in which everyone decorates their golf cart and provide talent to go along with it along with a slogan that somehow supports the town of Long Beach Indiana.
We came up with” The Luck of the Lake” slogan as you sort of see on the Sham Rock behind Erin in the photo. We decorated the cart with the Irish sham rock and balloon rainbow etc and Erin danced for the judges for the talent part.
She finally won with this theme and was awarded first place by the Towne of Long Beach, Indiana. (Although not officially 1st prize, the way it was awarded and the way it is listed in the town paper is the first listing.)
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal: It allowed to devote time to dancing Irish Dance which I love.
Erin’s interests include Irish Dance, Volleyball, Drama and Choir, Piano and Guitar.
The photo was taken at: The Long Beach School, Long Beach, Indiana
Top photo from left to right: My dad, Rodney Mannion, my grandpa -Al Rasmussen, Erin and my mom’s best friend, Karen Levendoski.