Grand Champion Isabella Victorious in Cupcake Wars
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What did you do?
I entered the 4-H Cupcake Wars competition and placed Senior Grand Champion.
My entry was chocolate cupcakes that had little tacos made out of Oreos, sprinkles, coconuts, and icing.
What organization recognized the achievement?
4-H recognized my achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me achieve my goal because it gave me plenty of free time to plan what I was going to make and enough time for me to practice the taco design.
What are your interests?
My interests are drawing, baking confectionery, hanging out with my friends at my parish church, and attending any youth events at church.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
When I am finished with college, I would like to become a preschool-kindergarten-1st grade teacher and also to become a mother.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Religion is my favorite subject. It is easy for me to read the assigned chapter(s) in one day (I finished Religion for the year in November 2018).
The photo was taken at The OSU Extension Office in Purcell, Okla.