Natalie & Lauren Carpenter Granted ‘God’s Faithful Servant’ Award
Natalie & Lauren began as Altar Servers within weeks of receiving First Holy Communion in 2nd grade. They are now in 9th grade, and are Senior Servers whose responsibility includes the encouragement and training of new servers.
On January 2, 2016, they received the “God’s Faithful Servant” award, given to select volunteers from each ministry who are “devoted to the Eucharist and the interests of the Catholic faith.”
The award was given by our parish, St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Kennesaw, GA, and at the request of Father Junot Nelvy who oversees the Altar Server Ministry.
Lauren is to the left (in red) of Pastor Father John Matajek, while Natalie (in blue) is on the right.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
By deepening their faith, homeschooling has taught Natalie & Lauren the importance of service to their parish community.
What are your interests?
Both Natalie & Lauren are competitive club volleyball players. They are active in the Altar Server ministry, members of the Squirettes Club (K of C for young ladies), and are enthusiastic participants in the parish’s Life Teen program.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Lauren hopes to utilize her love of digital art and drawing in whatever vocation she pursues. Natalie is an aspiring chef who loves all things sports related.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Lauren’s favorite subjects are Art and English, while Natalie’s favorite subject is Religion.
The photo was taken at St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Kennesaw, GA