Rachel Wins 4-H Public Speaking Competition
What did you do?
I won the Connecticut State 4-H Public Speaking Competition, in the Senior Speech division.
My speech title was Skating to Success! I talked about how being a figure skater can improve your life, and the eight simple steps to being a successful figure skater.
What organization recognized the achievement?
4-H recognized this achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
It has allowed me to put more time and effort into writing and practicing my speech.
What are your interests?
I love figure skating, but I also love to horseback ride, read, and do crafts. I love writing as well, and am currently trying to write a book!
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I would love to become a professional figure skater and compete in the Olympics. I would also like to attend the University of Connecticut and become a genetic engineer.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I enjoy science, because I like learning how things work, and I like vocabulary, because I love learning new words.
We Set History!
Standing next to me is my brother Joshua, Seton Graduate, Class of 2017, who won the State Visual Presentation Competition, titled: Goats: A Farmers Best Friend. We set history as it is the first time siblings won States in both categories.