Ann Wins Spot in STAHR Summer Scholars Program
What did you do?
Last summer (2019), I applied and was accepted into the STAHR Summer Scholars program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, which is a six-week-long program that allows high school and undergraduate students to take science classes and gain exposure to different fields of healthcare, including medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, and many others.
We also had hands-on workshops such as suturing (stitches), intubating, and CPR. We were able to shadow doctors, medical students, dental students, neonatal nurses, and health technicians.
What organization recognized the achievement?
The University of Missouri – Kansas City recognized the achievement.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling helped me achieve my goal because I would not have had the time to put together a competitive application for the program. Since this is the first year that the University has had the six week program (in the past they only had the two week option), the applications were very numerous.
Homeschooling also helped me greatly through religion class. Being at a public university, I did not think I would have to speak about my Faith in the wide open, but I was in a situation where I did need to subtly defend my Faith. Seton’s religion classes prepared me very well for that.
What are your interests?
My interests are music (piano, organ, guitar, and ukulele), reading classic and spiritual books, art (pencil, ink, and acrylic), taking nature walks, and cooking.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Right now, I am unsure of what God wants of me. For the present, I will continue my studies, hopefully graduating this May 2020. After high school, I might possibly work towards a pharmacy degree, in the meanwhile leaving everything in God’s hands.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subjects are religion, because learning about and defending my Faith is most important to me; science, especially chemistry and anatomy, because I love learning about God’s creation; and English, because I enjoy reading classic books.
The photo was taken at UMKC School of Medicine. I am standing second from right, with some of my fellow STAHR scholars.