Bernadette’s Presentation Wins 1st Prize at State
Bernadette won first prize at the Massachusetts States visual presentation contest and was invited to present her work, “Great Saves” detailing Ice Hockey goal tending, at the Eastern States Exposition (the “Big E”) which is the state fair for the North Eastern states.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Bernadette’s “Great Saves” was awarded first prize at both county and state level by Massachusetts 4-H She was also recognized as a Big E worthy presentation and presented at the event twice.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Bernadette says that the paragraph writing helped her greatly with her public speaking by being able to present ideas in an ordered and logical manner. She also says that homeschooling gives her the flexibility to practice goal tending at times when other kids are in school. As part of her presentation she wanted to inspire other girls to play girls ice hockey.
What are your interests?
Bernadette (or “Berdie”) likes to play goalie for her team and loves to raise her backyard chicken flock. She also enjoys reading and cooking cakes and cookies for her 7 siblings and her hockey team.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
As of right now, Beride just wants to grow a little every day and be the best student, daughter, goalie and older sister she can be.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Berdie loves reading and will read anything she can get her hands on. She loves stories of Saints and animals.
The photo was taken at the Massachusetts 4-H state visual presentation finals.