Seton Grad Interviewed on World Over Live on EWTN
What did you do?
I appeared with Raymond Arroyo on his World Over Live EWTN news program on 26 April 2018 regarding what the youth want from the Church in regards to the Vatican Pre-Synod Document on the youth.
I also have a Catholic YouTube vlogging channel called Rise Up Jerusalem that just passed 1000 subscribers.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Seton homeschooling helped provide me with a rich knowledge and understanding of my Catholic faith, and the ability to reason and communicate well.
What are your interests?
Evangelization, Music, Vlogging, Photography/Videography, and Marketing.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Lead others to Christ and his Church.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Theology, since it taught me about Christ and his Church, and History, because it shows how the world has changed over time.