Edna – Panel Speaker at WYD Lisbon 2023
Edna participated in the 4th International Congress on the Care of Creation: Youth Commitment to Integral Ecology, Lifestyles for a New Humanity as a speaker in the panel Lifestyles and Education for Young People: family, friendship, and Society. The Congress was held two days before World Youth Day in Lisbon at the Catholic University of Portugal.
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Congress was organized by the John Paul II Youth Foundation, Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, WYD Lisbon 2023, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Laudato Si’ Movement, and the Catholic University of Portugal.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
With the schedule flexibility homeschooling offers, as a family, we could participate in many activities of the Laudato Si’ Movement and various apostolates and works of charity of the Catholic Church. Participating in these activities allowed Edna to share our family lifestyle and story with the youth in the Congress.
The photo was taken at the Catholic University of Portugal.