Habana Bros Race Together in the Kadayawan Triathlon
What did you do?
Akio, Miro, and Raio — 13, 8, and 7 years old respectively are into triathlon.
Triathlon is a race that features three sporting events: running, swimming and biking.
Akio just started training last April, Miro joined in May, and Raio, the youngest, in June. They entered their first triathlon in the recent Iron Kids in Cebu, Philippines. After Iron Kids, they competed in the Kadayawan Triathlon in Davao City and performed really well!
What organization recognized the achievement?
The Habana brothers raced together in the Kadayawan Triathlon in Davao City, Philippines August 19, 2018. Miro won first place in the 7-9 year-old category, Raio was third in the same age group, while Akio ranked 7th in the 13-15 year-old category.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
These boys train twice daily, about 2.5 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the evening. They need to nap in between to rest and recover. The flexibility of being homeschooled proved to be very helpful in their daily training schedule. The discipline, diligence, and obedience they have developed as homeschoolers have helped them endure their training routine and races.
What are your interests?
Akio is a voracious reader and is already reading books on business and economics. He loves to cook and bake, is a very good swimmer, and plays the ukelele. Miro bikes like a pro, loves to read about war and history, and he plays the guitar. Raio runs very fast, climbs on anything (he is a frustrated ninja warrior), loves animals, and plays the violin.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
These boys are inspired to do great in whatever they do. All three of them are excited to start their own business venture very soon, become wonderful dads, and eventually become saints!
What are your favorite subjects and why?
All three boys love science! They like to do experiments and projects together. They like to figure out what happens, why it happens, and how things happen.
In the photo, Akio, Miro, and Raio are with their proud parents at the Kadayawan Triathlon 2018.