Italia an Extraordinary Kid at Baseball Clinic
What did you do?
I participated in the Bob Meyer Extraordinary Baseball 2023 Winter Baseball Clinic for Extraordinary Kids in Pittsburgh, PA, on February 25, 2023.
What organization recognized the achievement?
CIT Baseball and Softball Organization and The Diamond Dawgs Baseball Organization. They gave all 12 of my teammates and me a beautiful trophy and t-shirt and a fantastic baseball bag.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
I am so lucky to go to Seton Homeschool. I am Autistic and have severe speech and other developmental delays. Seton allows me to learn at my own pace with my Mom every day. Seton also offers me the flexibility to work on Speech Therapy with my wonderful Therapist, Samantha, at the Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh during the school day; so, one day soon, I can learn how to talk to my teammates who also participate in the baseball clinic that is held for other kids just like me.
What are your interests?
My interests include scripting, pretend play, baseball, riding my bike, and playing with my guys. I also like swimming in my inflatable pools, playing with my brother Nico, being homeschooled by my Mom, playing with toys with my Dad, and spending time with my Biggie, Grandma, and Pap Pap.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I wish I could tell you, but I don’t have all of the words from God quite yet. But, when I get them, and I know I will, I imagine I would like to work with kids like me to tell them that they are God’s greatest gifts of light.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Religion is my favorite subject. It allows me to listen to my Mom pray every day with me. I also get to learn about how much Jesus loves me and how much he sacrificed for me.
The photo was taken at The Diamond Dawgs Indoor Baseball Facility in Pittsburgh, PA. I am in the far left corner with My Dad and My Brother Nico. I am the only girl that participated in the clinic. There were 12 Boys and me. I also included two additional photos. One with My Big Brother Nico helping me run the bases and one with me practicing my swing in the batting cages with Coach Flanny.