Kira Named Shooter of the Year by Alaska State Archery
What did you do?
I participated in many archery tournaments around the state during this year and achieved high scores at each one placing me in the top spot every time, and I actively part
icipated in several community service projects promoting archery.I was named “Shooter of the Year” for 2017!
What organization recognized the achievement?
Alaska State Archery Association (ASAA) recognized this achievement and presented me with the coveted “Shooter of the Year” belt buckle award. It’s awesome!
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Because of my flexible homeschooling schedule, I was able to practice more at the range and travel to attend shooting tournaments and events around the state/country.
What are your interests?
I enjoy competitive archery and reading.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I am striving to become a professional archer, and I am always striving for sainthood.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I love my Independent Study course because it is all about my archery and I am shooting my bow and getting stronger on it every day.
I also enjoy Latin because I’m learning a sacred language and I enjoy Physical Science because of the interesting topics.