Love of Art and Parks Leads Kaelyn to Prize
My name is Kaelyn Shean and I am 8 years old. I love to do art so my mom found a virtual art contest to do during COVID.
I also like to visit national parks so it was fun to participate in something that included both my interests. It was important to me because I’ve never won any art contests I’ve entered so it was my first time getting recognized.
I entered an art contest and won 1st place for my division (juniors) for Art in the Park. Since places are closed, they displayed my art online and mailed my prize. The contest was organized by the Weir Farm National Historical Site
Since I homeschool, I can do art whenever I want to so I got really good at it. It’s the first thing I do when I finish all my work.
I like to do arts and crafts. I also dance and play hockey and I am inspired to grow up and be a professional dancer. I also want to travel the world and live in Madagascar to help the lemurs.
My favorite subjects are reading because I like books, vocabulary because it’s easy for me, maps because I get to learn the world better for when I travel, and of course, art. I like that Seton has an art book because it teaches me new ways to do art.
This photo was taken at my house.