Ram Competes in Local Swimming Championship
I started swimming in 2017, and from my first try-out, I was interested in being in the water.
We need to have a strong body for stamina and strength. It is important to me as it will keep me healthy and active, especially during the pandemic. Most importantly, it will benefit me in the future since My dream is to become a pilot.
My inspiration was when I saw swimmers participating in the Olympic games and told myself that someday I would participate in swimming competitions.
My parents and my whole family are supporting me all the way. Hence, I will continue to strive and do my best to achieve my dream.
What did you do?
I competed in a local swimming championship in October 2021 held at Hamdan Sports Complex in Dubai UAE.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Apex Sports Academy on their Apex 1st Swimming Community Open Championship
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling has given me time for training, and it helped a lot to attain my goal in swimming lessons. Homeschooling is very flexible, especially for students like me who have other activities such as swimming.
What are your interests?
I am interested in flying and becoming a pilot someday.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Challenging myself not to give up but instead to work harder and keep moving forward to attain my goal.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subject is English because it will help me improve my communication. Also, it will help me when I am traveling to any other country as most of the countries speak English. In addition, I want to improve my interaction skills.
The photo was taken at the pool during my actual competition