Tournament Finalist Brenden Pursues Dream on the Ice
What did you do?
I play hockey in NC and am a right winger. Our team worked hard all season and made it to the CHL.
I was a finalist in the 2019-2020 CHL Pee-wee B Championship Tournament and placed 2nd in the skills challenge. I also was a finalist in the Congressional Cup in DC.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Cape Fear Warrior Youth Ice Hockey Association Fort Bragg, NC.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling has helped me because I’ve always wanted to play hockey but finding prime ice time is hard. My mom used to pull me out of school early, and then we realized if we homeschooled, I could spend more time on the ice, pursuing my dream to play.
We started homeschooling three years ago, and it gives me more time to increase my skills on and off the ice. I skate six days of the week now and can bring school with me during tournaments. It is so much easier with homeschooling to find the balance between hockey and school.
What are your interests?
My interests are Hockey, Hockey, Hockey, Scouts (when I’m not playing), and more Hockey!!!
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I am inspired to make it to the NHL or, as far as I can go, attend college in the future, and overall be a spiritually strong person in my faith.
What are your favorite subjects, and why?
My favorite subjects are reading because it allows me to be transported to different places and religion because it helps me grow closer to God.
The photo was taken at the CHL Pee-wee Championship Greensboro, SC.