William Achieves the Gold award for International Computational Olympiad 2021

William Achieves the Gold award for International Computational Olympiad 2021

What did you do?

I became the Champion and achieved the Gold Award for the Hong Kong International Computational Olympiad 2021. I entered the Hong Kong International Olympiad because I wanted to test my knowledge in computer programming.

What organization recognized the achievement?

The Hong Kong International Computational Olympiad Committee.

How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?

I can manage my time in studying for programming and doing my schoolwork because of the flexibility of my schedule. I was able to determine my priorities and do my work more efficiently because of the freedom provided by my schedule.

What are your interests?

I am interested in programming, mathematics, science, and piano. I also compete in mathematical and science olympiads and piano competitions!

What are you inspired to do with your life?

I want to make an impact and show the world that I can make a difference and be outstanding. I want to give my best in all things that I do.

What are your favorite subjects and why?

My favorite subjects are Math, Science, and Programming. These subjects pique my interest because I want to solve problems and tackle logical problems.

The photo was taken at Online Awarding for HKICO 2021.