2016 Graduation Celebration at Seton Home Study School
At the 2016 Seton Home Study commencement, Dr. Mary Kay Clark encourages Catholic graduates to become leaders and to help make America good again. Read more from her Commencement speech here.
I am a Seton graduate in the class of 2016 and my favorite thing about graduating this year as opposed to other years is that, unlike my other two sisters, I am the first kid in my family to graduate in an even-numbered year (my older sisters were Seton grads in 2011 and 2013)! What excites me most about graduating is having a wider window of opportunity to pursue my interests and deepen my spiritual life while attending the University of Portland this upcoming fall. – Marie V.
Now, having graduated from Seton I feel confident and knowledgeable enough about my Catholic faith, to be able to persevere in all of my future endeavors. – Ashlynn F.
“I am preparing to attend college in the fall. I’m excited about starting my college life and starting my career as a pilot. – Stephen L.
As a twelve year Seton Home Study School Alumni, I became accustomed to my demanding work schedule. I know that I’ve been well prepared, no matter what happens in the future. I am looking forward to my next adventure, DeSales University, ready to charge forward toward the bright light of my future.” – Bobby M.
My favorite thing about graduating this year was being able to see a girl I had met through the Seton Message Boards in real life. We have been talking for two years and she has become one of my best friends! – Sarah C.
I cannot wait to get out there and move forward with my life, super excited for the college courses I’ll be taking next year!” – Paige M.