Charlie and Tobias Discerning Vocations
Seton Grads Charles “Charlie” Ineck and John Tobias “Toby” Guadagnini, both Seton Home Study School Class of 2023, are classmates enrolled in their Propaedeutic Year at Bishop White Seminary. The propaedeutic year is a time for a young man to discern whether he is called to discern the Roman Catholic priesthood.
What organization recognized the achievement?
Diocese of Boise
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Charlie: “Homeschooling gave me the opportunity to take classes that helped me understand my faith and the gravity of a vocation.”
Tobias: “I had a lot of free time to work Mass into my life. Daily Mass at my home parish is 8 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so I’d bike there every morning it was offered.”
What are your interests?
Charlie enjoys playing the guitar and music production, philosophy, and barbecuing.
Tobias enjoys fixing cars, playing the piano and accordion, and acting.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
Charlie desires “To do the will of God–to desire what He desires in me.”
What were your favorite Seton subjects and why?
Charlie enjoyed: “theology…because Jesus; history, because if we do not know where we came from, we cannot know why society acts the way it does and why we are obligated, out of love, to act differently; and morality because the right response to reality is the only way that you can know God and know His will for you. If you can discern the right response to what is and not what you perceive it to be.”
Tobias enjoyed “history because it keeps me interested.”
The photo was taken at Bishop White Seminary | Spokane, Washington