These Homeschoolers Are The Dirty Boot Band
A little over two years ago, two families of Seton homeschoolers came together to create The Dirty Boot Band. These kids, two seniors, a junior, a freshman, two 7th graders, and a 5th grader, are all country-raised and cousins!
They’ve recently performed at a Canaries baseball game in Sioux Falls, SD, as well as two performances at the South Dakota State Fair.
The SD Country Music Hall of Fame has helped them find some of these venues. The SD Short Grass Arts Council recently asked them to perform at their Tales on the River, where they had a chance to tell people about their music and why they chose some of the songs they like to sing.
They tell us that if it weren’t for homeschooling, there wouldn’t have been the time or opportunity to build this band, much less find the time to practice or travel to events. It also would have been much harder for them to perform in front of a crowd if it weren’t for homeschooling’s flexibility.
In the photo, the members of The Dirty Boot Band are (l – r) Sam Weinheimer, Jacob Weinheimer, Adelynn Nickolas, Sheridan Nickolas, Jace Nickolas, Ty Nickolas and Simon Weinheimer.