Thomas Wins Seat in St. Louis All-Suburban Band
What did you do?
I auditioned for the St. Louis Suburban Music Educators Association All Suburban Band and competed against trumpet players from all the St. Louis County school districts.
I made it in and was chosen as the fourth chair!
What organization recognized the achievement?
St. Louis Suburban Music Educators Association organizes the All Suburban Band every year. My band instructor encouraged me to audition.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Homeschooling gives me the opportunity to participate in our public school district’s Band program and gave me the time to polish my audition pieces by practicing more at home.
My parents have made music lessons, music appreciation and playing together priorities for our family.
What are your interests?
I like playing trumpet, strategy board games, and basketball.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I’m inspired to find my vocation and keep playing music.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
I like history, especially learning about how people of different times and cultures lived.
I like participating in our public school district’s Band program because I get to play with a group every day.
The photo was taken at Ladue High School in St. Louis, the venue for the All Suburban Concert