Meagan raises over $900 in donations for impoverished children.
Every year with the East Baltimore Catholic Youth group, Meagan shows her leadership and is the first to volunteer for fundraising when they take part in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine.
This year it included waking up at 6am and speaking at every Mass that day, along with other service projects. The talk she wrote herself included quotes from Pope Francis and Mother Teresa – two of her biggest role models This photo was taken at the march for life. In her own words: “Homeschooling helped me because it helped me to fully understand the love that Christ has for all His children.
“The extensive religious curriculum has showed me how to make Christ a focus in my life, which excludes making sacrifices for those less fortunate. Through the 30 Hour Famine, I can experience pain and hunger so that children can find comfort – just like Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, so that we may know true happiness.”