What did you do? Through a lot of hard work, training, and perseverance in training my dog, I won first Champion in my class, then Grand champion over all classes…Read more
What did you do? I placed second out of 12 at the Maryland State Fair in my Meat Goat Showmanship class with my goat Snickers. What organization recognized the achievement?…Read more
My story, The Locked Cell, won first place in the literary Art Contest at the local fair last month. What organization recognized the achievement? The judges of the North Idaho…Read more
Michele was just awarded the Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition Scholarship by the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair. The evening was celebrated with a dinner and award ceremony where the selected…Read more
Sept. 30, 2014; I won 1st Place in a Science Fair for 7-9 grade. It was sponsored by our local homeschool association. Homeschooling allowed me time to research and focus…Read more